Below you find our online diary. This will be updated on a weekly basis. At the bottom of the page you find a brief description explaining what each class is. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Join David on Monday and Friday evening for H.I.I.T
High Intensity interval training is an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.
Guaranteed to hurt and guaranteed to work
Youth Club
Fishburn Youth Club is part of the "Sedgefield Corridor" and exists to work with the young people living in Fishburn and surrounding areas.
We seek to have a positive impact on all the young people we work with in a holistic way, having an input into their social, emotional and physiological needs.
We aim to work with all those who are on the edge of society, who may be unable to access other resources and help empower them to a brighter future.